
Welcome to my 'small stone' blog.
I hope you find
something here that will touch your heart. The poems here will all be very short, some will be a Haiku style, and were prompted by the 'a river of stones' project: http://ariverofstones.blogspot.com/2011/01/what-is-small-stone.html
Please sign my
guest book, your comments will be much appreciated.

Sunday 27 January 2013

27. Fieldfare

With no fanfare,
the flighty fieldfare
foregoes her furtive foraging.
Sentry-settling in nearby tree
she waits at extravagant attention
for the intruder
to pass by.
I have no designs
on her berries,
they have stained her chest.


Anonymous said...

Nice one. I saw a bird in my garden yesterday that I couldn't identify. I thought it might be a fieldfare but on closer inspection it wasn't. Must get a better bird book!

Unknown said...

Another beautiful stone. This is a perfect ode to the bird... :-)