
Welcome to my 'small stone' blog.
I hope you find
something here that will touch your heart. The poems here will all be very short, some will be a Haiku style, and were prompted by the 'a river of stones' project: http://ariverofstones.blogspot.com/2011/01/what-is-small-stone.html
Please sign my
guest book, your comments will be much appreciated.

Saturday 12 January 2013

13. The mystery of tresses

A corn-rainbow of swirl
arced and tumbled
lightly laced coiffeur 
in intelligent grandeur.
I long to flow
in the mystery of your eddies,
slide and glide in your depths -
strands slipping through my hand
like the whisper of fine dry sands.
The crown
of beauty
unsullied by jewel.
Blonde and glistering in the sunlight:
drawing energy in golden dawn
drawing mystery in lazy dusk,
your hair charms me.
Sorceress of emotion,
casting spells in wave and curl
cascading over your shoulder,
I fall to the tsunami
of passion.

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