
Welcome to my 'small stone' blog.
I hope you find
something here that will touch your heart. The poems here will all be very short, some will be a Haiku style, and were prompted by the 'a river of stones' project: http://ariverofstones.blogspot.com/2011/01/what-is-small-stone.html
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guest book, your comments will be much appreciated.

The early years

The early years

The early years by Keith Wallis |

The poems in this omnibus were written quite a while back.  Whilst fairly contemporary at the time, some may well have been written differently today.  However, some still remain firm favourites in the author's portfolio.
'Coaled' (in Marketplace of Masks) found a new lease of life as a short story ('Clive's Journey') published by Bewildering Stories (issue 333).

Thanks to David R. Morgan for the early encouragement and the many hours of fun exploring the possibility that, maybe, there was a poet inside there somewhere.

Read more: http://wordsculptures-keith.blogspot.com/p/early-years.html#ixzz22U8GIuoH

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